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Metowe - ME to WE

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ME to WE

metowe is a for-profit company that offers a variety of lifestyle products as well as travel experiences. Their mission: To change the world and empower people. They partner with communities in Kenya, Ecuador and India to provide opportunities for youth and families to improve their lives.

ME to WE Travels Cost

There are many trips on the WE Charity website that allow North American participants to "step into Maasai warriors in Kenya" or experience a "shamanic ritual and receive hands-on weapon training in Ecuador." They also include tours to an "agricultural learning centre," a jungle walk or canoe ride, and work on a development project.

ME to WE Youth trips

Young travelers can take part in a ME to WE youth trip, where they will be able to experience the daily lives of those living in communities supported by WE Charity (a TreadRight-supported charity). They will build a school or clean-water system with the local community and participate in leadership workshops.

Many WE Day events in Canada and the world organized by WE Charity, including in Vancouver and Calgary have been tagged using hashtags that relate to a particular WE event and a specific city (#wedayvancouver and #yyc), which is evidence of urban-based educational programming. Although these concerts are inspiring and fun, the cohashtag graph clearly shows that these programs encourage privilege hierarchies in Canada.

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Metowe - ME to WE