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How to Use Trustpilot for Business

reviewing website

Almost all consumers now read reviews before buying products and services. Hence, it is vital for a business to have a trustworthy reputation. It is possible to establish a trustworthy reputation by collecting many reviews from customers on their website.

The best way to get these reviews is through Trustpilot, which is a platform that allows consumers to leave positive reviews about businesses. It is a trusted platform that has over 4 million reviews from over 529,000 businesses.

However, a lot of complaints have been made about Trustpilot's platform because of fake reviews that are posted by companies. Trustpilot must take more steps to ensure that the platform is used fairly, and that reviews do not contain fraudulent information.

Trustpilot has strict guidelines when it comes to reviewing customers or businesses. Trustpilot doesn't allow customers to offer incentives for reviewing businesses. Businesses are not allowed to leave reviews for other businesses.


This is because the reputation of these other businesses may be affected by a bad review. A negative review on Trustpilot could mean that you lose some reviews.

Fortunately, Trustpilot has a number of features that can help you avoid this problem. For example, they allow you to flag reviews if you suspect that they are fake or are being written by people who are not your customers. Companies interested in trying out the service can get a free trial.

The company is also famous for its ability automatically invite customers write reviews. This can make it a great time saver. A plugin for BigCommerce allows merchants at critical points to trigger product reviews and service.

Trustbox is a tool that allows businesses to add a widget on their website that displays trust scores and reviews. Customers are able to easily decide whether to buy from you.

It also has a drag-and-drop feature that lets you upload your own pictures and videos to your review page. This can increase your brand's trustworthiness and convert more visitors into customers.

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Trustpilot offers four plans. Each plan has a free and a premium version. Each of these plans has different features and benefits, so it's important to pick the one that suits your needs.

Use a Trustpilot Plan to Help Your Business

You'll get an email with a link to send your customers when you sign up for Trustpilot. They will have the option to create an account for reviews and leave a review about you business. Trustpilot also allows you to manage reviews and share them with others.


How to Use Trustpilot for Business