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What to look for in a bed bug spray killer

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A bed bug killer spray is an effective way to get rid bed bugs at home. It's both effective and environmentally friendly. Find one that fits your needs. Here are some qualities to look for:


What you need is a product to kill all the bugs quickly without leaving behind residue. This is an important issue, and there are many products that aim to achieve it.

The best bed bug spray killers have active ingredients such as pyrethroids, which are similar to those found in plants. Pyrethroids is a powerful insecticide that will kill any strain of bed bug on contact.

They also kill nymphs or eggs before they become adults. They're non-toxic to pets, children and humans.

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Some products do not have any smell. Others may have a slight chemical smell which will fade after a short time. It is important to carefully read the label, and select a spray which has been approved as safe by EPA.

How it Works

Bed bug sprays work by attacking the central nervous system of bed bugs. The bed bugs lose their ability for fighting back. Infants and children are especially vulnerable to poisoning.

It's best to look for sprays that use natural pyrethroids such as dinotefuran and chloropicrin. They have been shown to be more effective then synthetic pyrethrins. Also, look for products with a 5% natural insecticide like deltamethrin.

Remaining effects

Some sprays continue to kill bedbugs and their nymphs even weeks after application. This makes them an ideal choice for a permanent solution.

Some of these chemicals have no odor, which makes them easier to use, and less likely for pets or children in the area to be attracted. These sprays are not as effective on bed bug strains resistant to pyrethroids.

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Sprays not only kill bed bugs but also prevent further infestations. This is because they act as an effective barrier, preventing them from entering your home. They're especially useful for preventing infestations from spreading to other rooms.

Also, it's a good idea for you to treat the infested area twice so that all of your insects are dead. This is especially true if you have a large bed bug infestation that is difficult to eliminate with a single treatment.

A PMP will conduct an inspection to determine the extent of the infestation and give advice on how to combat bed bugs. A PMP may also use a variety insecticides on the affected areas depending on their severity.

Other services, such as steam and heat treatments, can be offered by them. These options are often used in conjunction to an insecticide treatment. This will reduce the number visits required from a PMP.

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What to look for in a bed bug spray killer